COSine 2023 Status Report #3

In just over a month, people will be converging on Colorado Springs from all over the known universe (even that weird-shaped rock they just crashed a rocket into), and we very much hope that you will be amongst them!

In case you missed the last status report, COSine 2023 will be held on January 20-22, 2023, at The Embassy Suites by Hilton (Woodmen and I-25). You can register here. Note that late registrations won’t get a spiffy pre-printed badge. (The badges have some very cool art by our artist GoH Kyle Crutcher).

You can also book your hotel room here (or you can call 719-599-9100). We have had a few problems with their registration system—they’ve only assigned so many rooms to our block and we keep running out (not the worst problem in the world to have). If you do have a problem, please email us at to let us know. Important: The room rate is only guaranteed through December 20th. No pressure.

The schedule for the convention is now done (barring last-minute tweaks), and programming is populated by an incredibly impressive group of participants. Not to mention our guests of honor:

  • Martha Wells – Our author GoH and NY Times bestselling author of The Murderbot Diaries, The Books of the Raksura, and many others.
  • Drs. Louise & James Gunderson – Our science GoHs, experts in robotics & artificial Intelligence. Ask them about AI lizards. Really.
  • Kyle CrutcherOur Artist GoH, creator of the COSine rocket, retro-futurist potter, and Ambassador to the Monoptozoids.
  • Connie Willis ­– Sci-Fi Grand Master and friend of the convention.
  • Courtney WillisDr. Science himself.

COVID Policy

  • All attendees who are at least 12-years-old must be fully vaccinated to attend COSine (2 shots plus a booster highly recommended), or must have had a negative test within 24 hours of attending.
  • Masks will be required to be worn by all attendees, two-years or older, in all programming spaces.

I’ve just had two different meetings cancelled due to COVID, so I suspect that the virus might still be out there.

Charity Raffle/Auction
This year’s charity raffle/auction will be in aid of the incredible Pikes Peak Library District. You can buy tickets at registration, and raffle prizes will be given at the Author Reception/Mass Autographing on Saturday at 5:30pm. We are happy to take additional donations for the raffle/auction. If you drop us a line (soon enough) at, we’ll even mention you in the program book!

Instant Slush Pile Panel
Want to get your work reviewed by some real-live editors? If you are interested, bring a printed-out page (no more than 300 words) for review. It should be completely anonymous (don’t include your name anywhere on the manuscript). You can turn in the manuscript at the beginning of the panel.

The editors will indicate whether or not they would buy this story, and you will get a quick critique of the work. Authors can choose to reveal themselves or not. The panel is on Sunday, 11:00am in the Front Range room.

Superstars Writing Seminars
One very cool thing – this year we are a community partner with Superstars Writing Seminars! SSWS is an intense business seminar for writers, created by Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta, James A. Owen, Brandon Sanderson and others (including Eric Flint, our 2020 guest, who sadly passed away in July).

SSWS will be held Feb 9-11, 2023 at the Antlers hotel in downtown Colorado Springs, and they are offering COSine attendees a $100 discount! See the ad in our program book for the registration code or, if you are already registered for COSine, send an email to

Happy holidays, and hopefully see you soon,

Morland, Arlen, Karen, Eli, Richard
The COSine Con Com